Pastor convicted of benefit fraud after secret footage revealed she did not have mobility problems

A street pastor who fraudulently claimed £36,000 in disability benefits faces jail today after footage emerged of her walking in heels and jogging from a car.

Stephanie Meakin, 51, of Crewe, was also secretly filmed standing up as she delivered a sermon and it emerged she also took part in the hokey-cokey at her church's Christmas party.

Meakin was investigated by the Department of Work and Pensions over £36,000 of disability living allowance payments paid out to her.

A Liverpool Crown Court jury took just 90 minutes to decide those claims were fraudulent after also hearing she waded into the sea to baptise members of the church she created, the Church of Abundant Life International.

Meakin was also seen walking up a steep hill and jogging to a cash machineThe jury heard that during this period she also went to South Africa on a church mission and twice visited relatives in the Phillipines.

The court heard her initial claims were legitimate but after a back problem improved she did not tell benefits bosses of her recovery.

Meakin was given a 15 month sentence suspended for 12 months and placed under supervision for 12 months for failing to notify the Department of Work and Pensions of a change in her circumstances.

The street pastor, who fraudulently claimed £36,000 in disability benefits faces jail today after footage emerged of her walking in heels and jogging from a car (pictured)

Meakin was also seen walking up a steep hill and doing the hokey-cokey at the church party

Meakin was accused of dishonestly claiming £36,000 between October 2001 and February 2013, which she denied.

The court heard that when DWP investigators and police raided her home they found a life insurance application form on which she stated that apart from high blood pressure she had no on-going health problem and 'exercised three times a week for 30 minutes'.

The court heard her initial claims were legitimate but after a back problem improved she did not tell benefits bosses of her recovery

The court heard that neighbours saw her walking her Rottweiler and a member of her congregation spoke of her involvement in baptisms at Black Rock, North Wales and the Christmas party.

After the jury delivered its guilty verdict the presiding judge, Recorder Mary Loram, told Meakin: 'The speed of their verdict is perhaps an indication of the strength of the evidence against you.

'Immediate custody is a realistic option for you

Ahead of the sentencing a DWP spokeswoman said: 'Only a small minority of benefit claimants are dishonest, but cases like this show how we are rooting out the unscrupulous minority who are cheating the system and diverting taxpayers' money from those who really need it.
