The Future Is Female

This is the bold lady Mrs Monica Ambrose, a woman that decides to fight for her country Nigeria, to give it the right place in the world. She wants a better life to all citizens of the Republic, a better education for all women, a better place to work, live and grow children.

 All brothers and sisters of Nigeria who want better schools, health care and true freedom, must join the fight against corruption and moral wickedness of the people who actually control Nigeria, and stand with Mrs Monica Ambrose.

To make Nigeria really become the "Giant of Africa", Mrs Monica Ambrose is the right choice.
A true defender for all women in the country, a real supporter for anything is good in Nigerians' hearts.

No more poverty, ignorance, enslavement from those who want to make us stay like that.
Our country needs to change. Our country needs to be an example for all Africa.
The future is waiting for us.

We need strong women to step up and speak out. We need you to dare greatly and lead boldly, "We need strong women to step up and speak out. We don't need good english right now in Nigeria, all we need now is young brave youth that knows what it take to be a common citizen.

Lets give women a chance, i believe we will deliver because there really are places in the heart of women they don't even know exist until you love a child. mothers around the world lets join hands together to change Nigeria the heart beat of Africa. English is not our language is a foreign language, lets be proud of our heritage, There are more than 300 Nigerian tribes that is why our forefathers created pigin-english to understand each other, enough of this good english thing.

We need somebody like her that is not "educated" to remember the milions of children that re drop out of school, cause she understand the importance of education. she is not "educated" but not a stark illiterate. she can learn when given a change. 

With respect to non speaking english leaders, People still understand them because there is still something call translators. Politics has been men’s game for decades in Nigeria and know change give women a chance.“There’s something at the back of people’s minds that says women shouldn’t get involved."

So please, set an example for every women and girl out there who's worried about what the future holds and wonders whether our rights, opportunities and values will endure," never doubt you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and every opportunity in the world." I remember what one of my role model once say Hillary Clinton and i quote, Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, for as long as you can. Thank you bold lady Monica Ambrose for wakeing millions of people and for standind for women letting them know that they can be anything they want to be. no matter the gender barrier.

I pray you win cause you got it all if not, don't worry you have broken that gender barrier fear. You are now the ever first female Nigeria candidate for precidencia sit isn't that beatufull? thank you for given voice and hope to the helpless. lets stop this gender thing women are humans not slaves we can deliver.  

lets stop repealing and replacing our brain with the same old story gender. #WomenMatter #GiveWomenChance #TheFutTureIsFemale Together we can do it.

Vote for Monica Ambrose, vote for the liberation of the righteous spirit of Nigeria.
