Almost 16 millions of Americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows

A recent poll by a US dairy organisation found that 7% of the American adults it surveyed thought chocolate milk came from brown cows. And nearly half the respondents had no idea where the drink came from.

The survey by the Innovation Center for US Dairy in April covered 1,000 Americans aged 18 years and over.The question asked to the respondents was: “Where does chocolate milk come from?”
Seven percent of the respondents thought chocolate milk comes from brown cows. And 48% admitted they were not sure where chocolate milk came from.However the Washington Post reports that many Americans are “agriculturally illiterate”, not knowing where the sources of many processed and pre-packaged foods come from. In one study at an urban California school, more than half of the fourth, fifth and sixth graders did not know pickles came from cucumbers or that onions and lettuce were vegetables.
If almost 16 millions citizens of the United States, a 1st world country, still think that brown cows produce chocolate milk, what do you think of Africans in the 3d world countries?

If even in the most advanced country in the world like the U.S. there's a big problem regarding education infrastructure and school system, what should african people do in their countries where governments absolutely don't care about creating a favorable environment for education, learning and progress?
